
Advertising has the power to change the world. Advertising helps brands and businesses increase their sales and grow, yes. But it can also help raise awareness of other type of campaigns: advertising can help...

According to IDC (International Data Corporation), worldwide smartphone shipments topped one billion units in a single year for the first time, up 38.4% from the previous year. Samsung currently leads the market in worldwide smartphone shipments, following the...

On Tuesday Twitter for Business launched a video providing few basic guidelines for businesses on how to succeed on Twitter. The video includes recommendations such as creating a content calendar, interacting with your followers by retweeting and...

Do you want to learn how to make the most out of your business Twitter account? Tomorrow 16th April from 2:00 to 2:30pm (London time) @Twitter UK & Ireland SME will be running a webinar on how to grow your...

There are trillions of searches on Google every year and over half of them happen on mobile. The Google Performance Summit took place last Tuesday in San Francisco and this was one of the very first ideas they...

Twitter launched yesterday an infographic that highlights the growing benefits a follower brings to your business. The infographic shows a Twitter user’s journey from follower to advocate, illustrating how...

The New York-based rating agency TopSEORankers listed Gloc Media among the top 10 multilingual SEO companies in the United Kingdom in November 2016. Their official list, which can be seen here, features us as one of the “best multilingual SEO companies for the...

Are you about to create an online video ad campaign? This is a complete step-by-step guide to do so from the Google AdWords platform in 3 simple steps. You can create an online video campaign to target YouTube and...

WhatsApp, the messaging platform with over half a billion users, has been acquired by Facebook in exchange of about $19 billion. What plans does Mark Zuckerberg have for the messaging app? Here are 4 changes...

According to wikipedia, an article directory is a website with collections of articles written about different subjects. Sometimes they are referred to as content farms, which are websites created to produce mass content. The reality is that...