SEO Competition Analysis


Get to know your competitors – where they are investing and which campaigns work for them – and make smarter decisions: “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer”

An SEO analysis of competitors will show you how to beat your competition and be the winner in your niche

Performing an SEO analysis of competitors will let you know more about your industry and its players so that you can select the right strategy and beat your competition. It will provide you with detailed insights about your main competitors, where they are investing, which strategies are working for them, on which keywords are raking for on the organic search results, etc.


Our approach to analysing SEO competitors



We will help you beat your competitors

We will carry out an in-depth analysis of your competitors and your sector to determine the most suitable way to optimise your rankings on natural search results and the ideal approach to overcome your competitors. As a result of this analysis you will get invaluable insights that will help you choose the perfect strategy for your needs.


During the process of the SEO competition analysis we will look at various aspects of your competitors and industry. We will analyse the following:

Five main competitors

We will identify your 5 main competitors on the search world, based on natural results competition and paid search competition.

Organic rankings of competitors

We will investigate which are the main keywords your competitors are ranking for on natural search results, so that you can know where they are investing and focusing their online marketing efforts, and therefore decide whether you should be doing so.

Paid search keywords of competitors

We will find out which are the main keywords your competitors are bidding for on paid search results. This will give you useful information about your competitors regarding their paid search decisions.

Worst keywords of competitors

The list of the worst performing keywords for your competitors will give you practical information for you to avoid certain strategies that didn’t work for your competitors in your industry.

Best keywords of competitors

We will provide you with the 10 best performing keywords for each of your competitors when it comes to profitability. This information will make a real difference: it will give you vital insights for you know what works and what doesn’t for them, you will know exactly what you can do without risks and which strategy to follow, with the security that it will work and improve your revenue.

Conclusions and strategy

We will analyse your and your competitors’ current search situation and based on the insights from our investigation we will provide you with a set of key recommendations and strategies to follow.

SEO competition analysis is a strategy that can be adopted in isolation, but it is highly advisable to consider it as part of a wider, multi-channel approach, being part of a general integrated search strategy, as it will have a stronger effect and will add more value to your overall online efforts.

We can also help you with...

If you think an SEO competitive analysis can help you, you might want to consider other SEO-related services and implement an integrated search marketing strategy

Our link building approach is focused on quality rather than on quantity: we design our campaigns to ensure your site will steadily improve rankings while meeting search engines’ standards and policies.

We provide outstanding PPC management services on Google AdWords, Bing Ads and other platforms. We will help you maximise the ROI of your online advertising. Attract relevant traffic and convert your visitors into customers.

Content marketing will help you become an authority and top industry player. Generate valuable contents, attract and engage your prospects to ultimately convert them into customers.

Enhance your online search visibility and get found when your customers are looking for you. We will thoroughly analyse your website to ensure its structure and contents are optimised.

We develop integrated SEO solutions combining on-page and off-page SEO strategies. Increase your traffic and be there when your customers are looking for you.

When building your site, quality pays off. Having an attractive yet effective website that will engage and convert your visitors into customers is the first step towards online success.

Implement an international SEO strategy and offer your services in other countries or even worldwide. Run multilingual SEO campaigns and reach potential customers all around the world.

Are you a small business owner? Is your business targeting a specific geographic location? Then you surely want to optimise your local visibility. Local SEO can help you reach potential customers around you.

Want to find out more?

For any questions you may have, get in touch and find out how we can help you. Whether you want to ask a general question about a digital marketing channel or enquire about what we can do for you, please feel free to drop us a line. We are more than happy to help!